Outrun the ordinary. Be an athlete ambassador at the 2019 Sendai International Half Marathon. The Japan-America Society will send two runners to compete in theSendai International Half Marathon.
You’ll have the opportunity not only to represent your city in the race, but to tour Sendai, meet runners from around the world, and strengthen the friendship between Dallas and Sendai.
Application is open to amateur runners who are U.S. citizens, at least 18 years old, and who live, work, or train in Dallas. Applicants must record a qualifying time (Men: 1 hr. 35 min. | Women: 1 hr. 45 min.) in one of these events:
– 2018 DRC Half Marathon*
– 2018 Dallas Rock & Roll Half Marathon*
– 2018 Dallas Marathon Half*
– Other half marathon or marathon (split time) since March 1, 2018 * These events have higher consideration.